Monday, September 10, 2007

Week 4 - Journal database RSS feeds

We have generated an RSS feed from a keyword search in the ERIC (EBSCO) database. We explored various searches in education in order to yield a manageable number of results. These search terms should provide new articles that will be posted to the feed in the future.

The feeds generated from database searches would act as a useful alert service for anyone searching on a particular topic. It would be an excellent way of keeping current on articles published in a subject area.

These feeds would assist undergraduate students to identify current publications for their assignments. They would be particularly helpful for people undertaking long term research. For example, research students and academics could maintain feeds on particular search terms that are relevant to their research or teaching fields.

This technology would engage those students who have a pre-existing interest in applying web technologies to their research. For other students it would be important to convey the advantages of this technology to ongoing research.


m.ouse said...

I agree with you both. Pity I didn't read your comments before writing my own laconic ones. It is also a pity I didn't ask to be in your group. I am really limping along on my own. Anyway, this is a great way to keep in touch and share ideas.

Anonymous said...

I really like the way you are approaching this and thinking about how it could be used with students. As I said somehwere else, once we have the next version of Internet Explorer RSS will be much easier, or so I'm told.